8 silk weaving- exercises for health and longevity- ONLINE
8:30 AM08:30

8 silk weaving- exercises for health and longevity- ONLINE

This online class will cover some history of the 8 silk weaving, as well as Melissa's personal experience with the exercises. You will receive an email packet of the exercises to print up if you wish, as well as the recording of the online session, which will be good for 2 weeks


Cost :$25

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8 silk weaving follow up class
1:00 PM13:00

8 silk weaving follow up class

Gathering to go over the 8 silk weaving exercises together. Everyone will recieve guidance and instruction, however we will not be going into great depth.. It is open to those who have never practiced before and you will be able to follow along. You can use your class card for this class if you wish.


Cost: $20

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8 Silk Weaving - exercises for longevity
3:00 PM15:00

8 Silk Weaving - exercises for longevity

Handed down for years in Chinese Kung fu tradition, these exercises are designed for health and longevity. Melissa Osborn received her First Degree from Alan Lee’s Kung Fu Wu Su school in NYC over 25 years ago. Reconnceting with these exercises and her teacher, years later, she found the benefits, quite remarkable and she decided to share this with the Calm Studio community! These ancient exercises can be done seated or standing depending on your level, but you will recieve the benefits regardless. Come prepared to move. We will go over the exercises, the benefits and everyone will recieve a handout packet to bring home and practice. A follow up class will be scheduled to practice the series, for those who wish on February 8th

Cost: $35


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Light the Year Ahead with Lisa Sullivan
10:00 AM10:00

Light the Year Ahead with Lisa Sullivan

As the winter stretches ahead with the holidays over and the days still short, its easy to feel fatigued or isolated. This workshop offers a nurturing space to rediscover your inner light through gentle yoga, breathwork, meditation and meaningful reflection.

Together we will celebrate the past year, set mindful intentions for the year ahead, and take time to rest deeply and restore our energy. With a variety of healing practices, mindful tea and snack break, with a chance for conversation, this is the perfect way to nurture yourself, and connect with like minded people, while setting a powerful, positive tone for the new year.

Cost: $49


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Special class for Beacon of Hope therapists
11:30 AM11:30

Special class for Beacon of Hope therapists

A Special class for Beacon of Hope/ Kairos counseling therapists only! A mindful practice to help you unwind and feel good. Please wear comfortable clothing. We supply all the props necessary, but if you would like to bring your own mat please feel free! Sign up is encouraged, space is limited.


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Thanksgiving Flow with Yoga Nidra
4:00 PM16:00

Thanksgiving Flow with Yoga Nidra

Join us for this Calm Studio signature class. Melissa and Rachel will be teaching a gentle vinyasa yoga flow and a deep relaxation Yoga Nidra with a gratitude theme. No experience necessary. The flow will be a gentle moon salutation and the Yoga Nidra is done lying in a comfortable position on the floor. We have plenty of props at the studio but if you wish to bring your own mat, pillow or blanket, please feel free! We will be collecting food donations for the Falmouth Service center at the class..

Check this link for food donations: Donate Food — Falmouth Service Center

Cost: $35

sign up https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/gratitude

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  FREE- Yoga for stress relief workshop- ONLINE!
9:00 AM09:00

FREE- Yoga for stress relief workshop- ONLINE!

Discover how easy it is to reduce your stress with Svaroopa ®  yoga,a user friendly, slower paced yoga practice. Every pose is customized to your individual needs, making this both accesible and beneficial.

Learn about the difference between treating the symptoms of stress, and reducing your stress level. You’ll try out a few easy yoga poses along with the online group. No previous yoga experience is required.

Teacher: Swami Prajñananda

For more information contact Margot Garrit at: mbgarritt@yahoo.com

Online Only

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Full Moon Yoga Nidra-part 2
7:00 PM19:00

Full Moon Yoga Nidra-part 2

Join Rachel as we explore ways we can incorporate the moon phases into our lives and our self care practice. Learn how to set intentions and work towards bringing them to fruition. We will be incorporating crystals and essential oils into a beautiful new moon Nidra practice in August and then a full moon practice in September. Learn the beauty and the power of the moon. Please bring a special item to place in the center of our New Moon alter. All items will be returned.

Cost: $35

Sign up: https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/fullmoon

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New Moon Yoga Nidra -part 1
7:00 PM19:00

New Moon Yoga Nidra -part 1

Join Rachel for this 2 part series. Come for 1 or both as we explore ways we can incorporate the moon phases into our lives and our self care practice. Learn how to set intentions and work towards bringing them to fruition. We will be incorporating crystals and essential oils into a beautiful new moon Nidra practice in August and then a full moon practice in September. Come and learn the beauty and the power of the moon. Please bring a special item to place in the center of our New Moon alter. All items will be returned at the end of the workshop.

Cost: $35

Sign up: https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/newmoon

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Solstice Yoga Flow with Yoga Nidra
3:00 PM15:00

Solstice Yoga Flow with Yoga Nidra

Join Melissa and Rachel for this Calm Studio signature class. Combining a gentle flow, some essential oils and a relaxing yoga nidra, you will leave feeling centered and calm!
Yoga nidra is deeply restful and has the
benefits of 4 hours of sleep.
All levels welcome. Join us! Cost :$25
Sign up here:  https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/nidra

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Calm Studio Spring Open House
9:30 AM09:30

Calm Studio Spring Open House

Join us on May 4th for an open house! Invite a friend to check out the studio and try a mini class or wonderful deep relaxation! We will have essential oil samples, free consultations, and some refreshments.Talk to teachers and personal trainers about your specific goals. All are welcome, come and say hello!
Free Mini classes at 10a and 10:20a

Please sign up, space is limited!!

Register for FREE mini classes :

10am short flow: https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/openhouse1

1020am Savasana: https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/openhouse2

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Food insecurity: A class to honor our mother and our community.
1:00 PM13:00

Food insecurity: A class to honor our mother and our community.

A donation based class to honour our beautiful mother, Molly Stoloff. You will learn about how food insecurity can affect everyone in our community, and how this important issue impacts people's health. We will discuss resources in our community and how you can help! Talk will be followed by a short yoga sequence and a healing Yoga Nidra. Come do something good for your communiy and for yourself! Food and monetary donations for the Falmouth service Center will be accepted at Calm Studio all month in April.

sign up https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/foodinsecurity

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Tuesday intro Series with Margot
to Feb 20

Tuesday intro Series with Margot

3 consecutive tuesday classes in February Starting Feb 6tth. 915-1030am.. Learn basic spinal release poses to reduce pain, alleviate stress, and breath more easily. Poses are customized to meet your body where it's at with careful propping and alignment. Class includes deep relaxation at start and end of class. Drop in $25, series $60 (pay in studio for series)

sign up: https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/intro

75 minutes

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Thriving not just surviving-Combating Holiday Stress workshop!
12:00 PM12:00

Thriving not just surviving-Combating Holiday Stress workshop!

Are the holidays ever a stressful time for you? You are not alone! While many struggle during the holidays, you don’t have to! Following the paradigm for the 8 areas of wellness, you will learn strategies, tips and tricks that will enhance your feelings of joy and fufillment throughout this time and beyond. 2 hour workshop

cost: $40

sign up: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/thrive-dont-just-survive-holiday-edition-tickets-757311307507

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Full Moon Yoga Nidra
4:00 PM16:00

Full Moon Yoga Nidra

Join Rachel for this deeply relaxing class, in preparation for the Full moon!

The full moon is a time for releasing old energy and embracing the new.

Take time to re charge your battery and care for yourself!

Rachel Becker has advanced training in Yoga Nidra Divine Sleep, and she brings her knowledge. light and compassion to this wonderful event.

This is one of our most popular classes so we recommend signing up ahead of time!


Cost: $25


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New Moon flow with Yoga Nidra
4:00 PM16:00

New Moon flow with Yoga Nidra

Join sisters Rachel and Melissa for this wonderful celebration of the New moon at Calm Studio! The New moon is a powerful time for setting intentions and seeing them through to the Full moon. We will start with a gentle moon flow and finish with a deep Yoga Nidra relaxation. This class is live in the studio! And there may be a surprise raffle for attendees :)

Cost: $25

sign up here: https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/newmoon

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Free New Moon Savasana- ONLINE
4:00 PM16:00

Free New Moon Savasana- ONLINE

Set your intentions for the new moon, and relax in the comfort of your home, as Margot guides you through this FREE 30 minute relaxation.

The energy of the new moon is a powerful time for setting intentions of what you want to bring into your life.

This class is FREE but you must register to receive the zoom link.


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Love U First -mini retreat
10:45 AM10:45

Love U First -mini retreat

Join Susan at Calm Studio for a mini retreat, focused on powering up the bad ass in you and nourishing your well being!

Retreat will include a yoga practice, seaside walk and meditation, journaling and conclude at the cape cod Winery for fellowship and fun!

Cost: $46

Contact: funkysgg@comcast.net

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Free intoduction to Svaroopa yoga
11:00 AM11:00

Free intoduction to Svaroopa yoga

You'll begin supported on the floor with knees propped up, and guided through 15 mins of relaxation pose and some yoga breathing. Then, you'll be up and moving through a sequence of poses that decompress your spine and open you breathing. You'll be supported throughout with props and blocks that the teacher will provide your individual needs. At the end you'll return to a reclining pose for a second guided relaxation.

Margot Garritt has been teaching Svaroopa yoga for over 20 years, her passion and caring come though as she shares this unique style of yoga.

To sign up contact Margot at:


The Yoga Way


Space is limited!

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Essential oils for Love and Passion- online!
5:00 PM17:00

Essential oils for Love and Passion- online!

Join Rachel and Melissa as they discuss their favorite oils for love and passion online!.

Tips on how to use essential oils and
their many benefits.
Every signed up participant will receive the recording.
Cost: $10 (includes entry into a raffle for a free essential oil)
Can't make it? No problem! Watch when it works for you!

Sign up here: https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/love 

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New Moon Yoga Nidra
4:00 PM16:00

New Moon Yoga Nidra

Join Rachel for this deeply relaxing class. One hour of Yoga Nidra is equal to 4 hours of sleep! Get comfortable with blankets, bolsters, pillows (feel free to bring any props from home), and let Rachel guide you through this wonderfully restorative class. Anyone can do it. All levels welcome.

Cost: $25

All levels welcome.

sign up here: https://calmstudiocapecod.as.me/nidra

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Rise and Glow Special pop up class!
9:00 AM09:00

Rise and Glow Special pop up class!

Join us for this all levels practice . Wake up your mind and body with  a simple practice that opens up tissue and finds mobility and stability in body and mind from the ground up . Fun music,  genuine instruction and  working on our well being tougether, with reminders to do what is good for your unique design. Start the day, CALM AND COLLECTED and at your best. POP IN !
 Pre registration required.  $20
contact: Home | funkyogi

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Calm and Soulful Winter Warrior Series
to Feb 28

Calm and Soulful Winter Warrior Series


Join Susan Galligani for this exciting workshop! Find inner and outer alignment as you are functionally guided with soul soothing music, a light hearted vibe and ESSENTIAL OILS.. Strengthen life force, restore, rejuvenate with a calm, all levels, practice .Stay light this winter,stoke stale energies and calm the soul. This is being offered as a series 4 classes in January, (3rd, 10th, 17th, and 31st). for $70, or drop in $20 per class.

Sign up here: funkyogi (square.site)

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Bliss Yoga
6:30 PM18:30

Bliss Yoga

Join Sue for this special mini spa 
 The name of the game isn’t always pushing yourself to the max as often as you can. We need to organize rest and recovery to counter balance workouts and busy busy lives. 
Enjoy this luxurious yoga practice centering back to the wonder of you. Nourish your body, mind and nervous system by engaging all senses with gentle restore poses, candlelight ,aromatherapy ( with essential oils and eye towels) breath, deep release and soul soothing music.
Cost: $25
contact: Home | funkyogi

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Birthing Mama Prenatal yoga  with guest speaker- this workshop will be rescheduled , class is on!
6:00 PM18:00

Birthing Mama Prenatal yoga with guest speaker- this workshop will be rescheduled , class is on!

Join special guest speaker Rachel Becke, R.N., who will discuss essential oils for pregnancy and labor, followed by a lovely prenatal yoga class with Kirsten. Once a month we invite guest speakers to this supportive and relaxed class.

Cost :$25 or use your prenatal class card


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New Moon flow and Yoga Nidra
4:00 PM16:00

New Moon flow and Yoga Nidra

Join Melissa and Rachel for this special class designed to set intentions with the years first new moon! Begin with a gentle flow practice, and conclude with a relaxing Yoga Nidra. Rachel and Melissa founded Calm Studio together 6 years ago and are excited to be bringing back this wonderful practice to the studio!
Cost: $35


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